Watchtower at the End of the World

The watchtower was built out of the wreckage of our homes. The first watchtower attracted wyverns. We think the cleric’s blessing of the sanctuary did not reach high enough to repel them and he would not climb to the top to bless it. The second tower we built shorter and have not been bothered by the wyverns. It’s a simple structure, a ladder leading to a flat platform covered by a tarp.

A fairy alighted on my shoulder singing a happy wordless tune. I smiled. Since they came to stay with us, within the walls, they had mostly been silent. We used to hear them, many more than were left, singing often in the woods but the enemy burnt and slashed and trampled it flat. They were hesitant at first to be near people. The children left food for them on the walls and slowly they made themselves known to us.

Read the rest here.

Note: This is part of a small collection of stories set in a fantasy world that has fallen to a great evil.

The End of All Peoples

The Evil has come to the land
Demons and the dead roam unchecked

The Evil has come to the sea
Leviathans and dragons boil the water

The Evil has come to the sky
Wyverns and insects blot out the sun

The Age of Man is over
The Elven kingdoms have fallen
The Dwarves have sealed their mines

The Evil has come for us all

Author note: This is part of a small collection of stories set in a fantasy world that has fallen to a great evil.

A Meeting in a Woods

A wood elf stepped into view several paces off the path. Tall, a few heads taller than me, slender like a young tree, spindly arms and legs. Brown gray skin that blended with the bark of nearby trees.

“Hello,” I called out, “I am looking for someone to talk to.” It stared back with black unblinking eyes. I cupped my right hand over my ear, lowered it to waist high and turned it palm up flattening it as I did so. Its head twitched and it blinked once. I hoped my sign had read as I meant it to even if my form was a little messy.

Two more elves stepped out onto the path. “Hello,” I said again, “I am Elva Landwalker daughter of Rolinda Shaleclimber daughter of Feyla Jadeaxe. I wish only to talk.” I repeated the peace sign my aunt had taught me.

Read it here

This is part of a small collection of stories set in a fantasy world that has fallen to a great evil.