2022 freeze incoming

It’s a pleasant 64F right now but in a couple of hours the temperature is going to start plummeting. By sunset it will just above the freezing point. The low will be 17F with a wind chill of -4F. Obviously not the worst weather in the country but but it is very unusual for South Texas. Although it has been less than two years since the last freeze like this so maybe this is becoming more common.

I’m expecting the power to go off at some point. In Feb 2021, the power went off but came back periodically. Also despite leaving a tap dripping the water froze. This isn’t an issue because the trailer park manager has preemptively disconnected the water from the trailers and wrapped the faucets.

I have jugs of water for drinking and washing so I should be ok. On my last grocery shopping trip, I grabbed extra sandwich fixings incase I lost power for an extended period of time I would still be able to eat without cooking.

I am isolating to my bedroom and have plenty of blankets to keep me warm. During the last freeze, I did the same and made it through the cold nights in relative comfort (no excessively cold body parts).