The wall behind the bathroom door is empty
It’s always been empty
You wouldn’t hang a painting there
You wouldn’t put up pictures there
So, why do I feel like the bare wall is wrong?
I don’t remember anything being there
I don’t know what should be there
Something is different about the wall
But nothing has changed.
In the kitchen, up near the ceiling,
where the cabinets meet in the corner
The cabinet doors face each other
No place to hang anything
No place to mount anything
So, why do I feel something is missing?
It doesn’t make sense to put anything there
It would block the cabinet doors
Something was in that corner
But nothing has ever been there.
Or maybe I have it backwards
Maybe nothing was there before
Maybe there is something there now…
Something I can’t see
Something I can’t touch
Something I can’t hear
But I know it’s there.
I feel it watching
I feel it waiting
I feel it wanting
No, no, surely not.
Just a trick of the mind
A random misfiring of a neuron,
I insist to myself.
Still, I can’t stop checking
Behind the door,
In the corner.
Checking for something not there.