April Monthly Story Round-Up

Stories post during the month.

Super Hearing Loss – It’s too quiet.
#scifi #poweredpeople

Scientist of Death Issue #3 – The Scientist of Death is tempted by a job offer.
#scifi #supervillains #transwoman

Scientist of Death Issue #4 – The Scientist of Death changes her mind and a grudge is settled.
#scifi #supervillains #transwoman

The Cipher Codex – The Arrival – An accident leaves Stephanie and Marcus in a rainy field.
#scifi #timetravel

Henchmen for Hire – Where do supervillains get their henchmen?
#supervillains #superheroes #scifi #comicbooks

Vikki and The Dwarves Job – Jesse has a special job for Vikki.
#contemporary #fantasy #fairytales

Body Renewal – A trans woman reviews her new body.
#scifi #cloning #transwoman

Forget Me – A woman wakes up with a “forget me” potion next to her.
#contemporary #fantasy #memory

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