I’m learning to knit

So the other day I bought a beginner’s knitting kit. Eventually, I will have a small scarf.


These are the first “good” rows I knitted after about three attempts.


For my first practice session, I learned the knit stitch, purl stitch(which is a reversed knit stitch), and how to castoff(ending a piece so it doesn’t unravel). My first “finished” piece was wider at the end because I didn’t pull the yarn as tight at the end.


The next day at work I had an interesting experience looking at a sweater. I could ‘read’ the stitches. It was like seeing the code of the matrix. Honestly, it reminded me of how I felt when I started learning how to program. The realization that this complex thing (program or sweater) is made up of these small parts (lines of code or individual stitches) and you can make it, is just really good.

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