Blog Update – Somehow I have returned

I am going to start posting more here on my own website in the future. This was meant to be my big return/update post but I’ve already posted a couple of things so it’s not quite as big a deal.

I am going to start posting more here on my own website in the future. This was meant to be my big return/update post but I’ve already posted a couple of things so it’s not quite as big a deal.

My last post before my impromptu hiatus was a promo for my “new” podcast Quiet of the Night Podcast. I published one more episode on July 1, 2020, and then burned out for a while due to everything happening in the world and my personal life.

Earlier this year, I tried to restart my podcast as a review and discussion podcast of the Repairman Jack book series. Between review episodes I had planned to do “special topic” exploring the real world weirdness that was adapted into the books. This lasted four episodes before I had technical issues that caused delays and stressed me out enough to stop.

Besides my podcast, I’ve been working on handcrafts. I’ve been trying to sew some of my own clothes, mostly skirts but I’m working my way to shirts. I learned to crochet a few months ago and have made two pairs of slipper socks. I’m currently crocheting a purse. I haven’t done much knitting recently. I may make a dump post with some pics.

I’m trying to rebuild a writing habit. I have a story idea my brain has been gnawing on for a few months. Also I’m going to work on more personal blogging (not so much about my personal life but about things I’ve watched, played, or read).

My main reason for wanting to revitalize this space is the potential implosion of social media. Not everything is going to go away but somethings are getting unstable. It will be nice to have a online home to retreat to when these social media islands sink.

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