Quick Review – Taco Bell “Naked Chicken Chalupa”

2017-01-26 22.20.48 2017-01-26 22.21.33

So, I decided to try Taco Bell’s “Naked Chicken Chalupa”.  It’s a pretty basic idea, remove the “bread” base of a fast food item and replace it with a slab (or two) of meat.  In this case, it’s a chalupa with it’s tortilla shell replaced with a crispy chicken shell and just lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, and some sort of proprietary Taco Bell sauce.

Normally, I would squeeze on a packet of hot sauce but I wanted to experience the chalupa as it was made.  The chicken shell is thin and crispy but a little salty.  Not having a substantial filling detracts from the experience but not greatly.  Overall it’s not as good as a regular chalupa from Taco Bell but still edible.

Rating: 2/5

Writer/Patreon update

Last year, I wrote and published close to 90 stories on my site. I started around March putting out three stories a week. In September, I cut back to every other week as I started to feel depressed and couldn’t keep up with my previous output. I may, also, have had mild burnout. In November, I barely made my quota and realized I would not be able to do so in December. A large factor at that time was how busy my retail job had become during the holidays. So, I took December off and planned to take January off as well and return to writing in February.

A few days ago I started thinking about revising one of my stories. And then I restarted putting together an anthology of stories from last year. Also, I took everything I learned in the last year and worked out a plan for the rest of the coming year.

Starting in February I’m going to be posting two stories a week four times a month to my Patreon. Non-patreons can read them a week later on my site. I plan to keep this schedule through December. Eleven months, eight stories a month is eighty-eight stories. Because of how irregular months are there will be a few months that will have a skip week and I’m adding a couple of stories to make it a nice round ninety stories. I’m already planning on writing ahead so I can take a break again in the fall/winter and work on a second anthology of stories to be out early 2018. Patrons also get copies of the ebooks.

I hope to have the anthology I’m working on right now out around March.

My Patreon is currently on hiatus, since December, until I resume posting in February. If I keep to my schedule, there will be only one month, January, that I don’t post anything. I’ll be asking my Patrons how they would like me to handle that month.

UFO Sighting

I’m not saying it was an alien spacecraft, just that I don’t know what it was and it was flying.

Last night I was walking home from work around 8pm.  In my peripheral vision, I saw a light moving.  It was blueish white, not as bright as the street lights but much bigger than the visible stars and much bigger than airplane lights.  It was more like a glow than a beam of light.  The light appeared above the trees moving downward but might also have been moving away from me.  It moved too slowly to have been a meteorite.  One or two seconds after I turned to look at it, it seemed to shrink and disappear like a circle being turned on its edge or a closing eye.

All in all a rather tame sighting.

Batman v Superman Review and Reaction Post

I watched Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.  I know it’s old news and I’ve missed the boat to write anything original about this movie but I thought it would be fun to write down my reactions as I watched the movie.  I am going to preface my reactions with a short review.

I’m tore about whether I like this movie or not.  Superman is a weird Christ-like figure who is conflicted about being a Christ-like figure but doesn’t do anything to dispel that image of himself to the public.  His mother tells him he’s can be the hero or not because he doesn’t owe people anything.  A message that pairs nicely with the lesson his father tried to teach him last movie about letting kids drown in a bus to protect his secret.

As much as I hated Superman in this movie, I loved Batman just as much.  Batman is shown to be the urban legend, almost supernatural being, and the World’s Greatest Detective.  Alfred is a joy to watch interacting with him.  This is the best Batman I have ever seen, not counting Batman the Animated Series.  It’s very obvious that this was meant to be Batman’s movie and if Superman’s characterization had not been broody angst man, it would have been a truly excellent movie.  As it is, Superman brings down the movie to just good enough.

Rating: 5/5 for Batman and 1/5 for Superman.  Wonder Woman gets a 3/5 for showing up.

And now for my reactions: (beware of spoilers beyond this point) Continue reading “Batman v Superman Review and Reaction Post”

Hearts or Crosses

I had a weird interaction at work today in the jewelry department. I showed a woman a necklace with a heart pendent but the chain wasn’t long enough for her. As I was putting it back in the case on one pad, she asked to see another necklace on a different pad.

Customer: Can I see the one with two hearts?

Me: (Looks at jewelry pad she is pointing at. I don’t see a necklace with two hearts.) Which one?

Customer: The one with two hearts.

Me: (Still looking, still don’t see necklace with two hearts. See necklace with two crosses.) The one with two crosses?

Customer: No, two hearts. It’s the second from the left.

Me: (Second necklace from left is the one with two crosses. I reach into the case and touch the necklace with two crosses.) This one?

Customer: Yes.

Me: Those are crosses.

Customer: That’s what I said. Wait, what was I saying?

Me: You said hearts.

Customer: No, I was saying crosses.

I let it drop after that because there is nothing to be gained from arguing with a customer but I did kind of wonder which of us was hearing and/or saying the wrong thing. Was she saying crosses the whole time and I heard it as hearts? Was she saying hearts but thinking she was saying crosses?  Was I saying hearts? Was it some weird mix?

Part of me wants to believe I was hearing everything correctly but part of me knows human perception and memory are fallible. I have never wanted to have recorded a conversation more.


My Mind is a Labyrinth

My memories are a labyrinth
Winding corridors
Secret doors
Dead ends and pitfalls

These are the first lines in a recent poem I wrote called My Memories.  The poem is not very good.  I shied away from what I really wanted to say.

My mind is a Labyrinth
Winding corridors
Dead ends and pitfalls
The monster is my memories.

Lately I find my mind twisting and turning back on itself.  Linking memory to memory in a winding path that leads me back to my sister’s death.  Even this post is another trip through the labyrinth with the same destination.

The path is well worn
Leading from room to room
Each one a tableau,
A story leading me deeper.

When she died, I spiraled into depression.  The same kind of depression I feel now.  Maybe that is why I keep returning to those memories.  Maybe they resonate with the same emotional chord.  I feel closer to her death than I have in years.  I can’t claim to have completely healed from her death, I still have days that my memories reach for her only to find her gone, but the blow of remembering she is gone has lessened.

Deeper to the center
The center where the monster lives
The Monster I created from memories
The Memories I wished to forget.

I remember too much to tell in this space but mostly I remember sitting in the hallway of the hospital.  Family had gathered in the hallway because this was the last time we would be able to see her, the last chance we had to say goodbye.  It all happened so quick.  Less than a day.  I remember the end of the hallway was a big window.  I remember wanting to throw myself through that window to escape from having to wait for her to die.

I can’t forget these memories
They loom over my mind
I wish I could forget them
But if I could I wouldn’t.

My sister’s death caused me much pain.  I became more depressed than I had ever been before.  I reached the breaking point where I sought out help from my local county health services.  I was denied.  I quit my job.  I felt completely lost.

My memories are a Monster.
Not evil, Not malicious,
Just painful.
We make monsters of things we don’t want to see.

But then, things began to change.  I found some new friends.  I found a new job.  I found acceptance from the people around me.  My sister’s death didn’t directly lead me to any of these things but it was part of the journey.  My life has not been smooth sailing since then.  There are ups and downs.  Her death was a major down in my life and while I wish it had never happened; I would never want to forget that it did.

I didn’t want to write this poem and mini-memoir.  I needed to write this.  I needed to work through these feelings and to not shy away from these memories.  I’m not cured of my depression but I feel like I’ve found a new path through the labyrinth.



My Headphones Broke (a little)

So several months ago, maybe as long ago as January, I bought a pair of wireless bluetooth headphones because regular head phones just don’t last very long(a couple of months) for me.  I know it’s because I’m constantly shoving them in my purse when I get to work bending the wires at the plug causing them to break.  About couple of weeks ago the power button on my wireless headphone broke.  It sagged in and didn’t feel like it was pressing against anything.  The headphones have a aux jack so I’ve been using that.  I have a low but significant chance of just plain breaking electronics when I try to fix them, so I have been putting it off.  Tonight I finally worked up the courage to crack them open and see if it’s something I can fix or not.

Pictures behind the read more.

Continue reading “My Headphones Broke (a little)”

Quick Movie Reviews

Terminator: Genisys

I had very low hopes for this movie after Terminator: Salvation but this movie has resurrected the series for me.  Salvation was a slog through a plot that didn’t really matter since we already knew about the human looking terminators and that Skynet would be defeated someday.  Genisys takes the story back to what was good about the first two movies: traveling through time to kill Sarah Conner.  It doubles down on that by introducing two more plots to kill her and a guardian terminator called Pops.  What could have been a confusing mess is handled well enough to be fun action movie.  Rating 4/5

American Ultra

This movie was much more violent than the trailer led me to believe.  I expected a bumbling stoner clerk with “super spy” abilities.  What I got was closer to Kill Bill than Clerks.  Still not a bad movie.  Story runs on over the top action but still delivers some comedy and drama. I really liked the dynamic between Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart.  Rating 3.5/5


This movie is a hard science fiction movie in the same vein as 2001: A Space Odyssey but with a bit more action.  Set in a future, year unknown, that doesn’t look too different from our own a man stumbles into a secret NASA project to find a new home for humanity in a distant galaxy.  I like that movie is almost purely driven by science.  The NASA robots were a surprise.  They look like the monolith from 2001 but coated in polished aluminum, with two small monitors for a “face” and very human sounding voices.  Completely nonhuman looking but still very humanized.  Rating 4/5

It’s The Little Things That Keep Me Going

Yesterday at work was not the best day I’ve had but it did have a silver lining.

My work day started at 9am, which for most people is mid-morning, for me it’s the middle of my sleep cycle.  I normally sleep from 3am-ish to 11am-ish.  Lately it’s been shifting more toward 5am to 1pm.  This usually is fine because I usually work either in the afternoon or evening.  My manager is cool and mostly schedules me for those shifts but sometimes I have to work a morning shift like today.

So, I get to work and I’m already(still) tired and want a nap.  I press onward knowing I will spend most of my day at the Jewelry Counter, which isn’t terribly hard work.  I help put out stock until we open at 9:30 am, at which point I have to stay close to the Jewelry Counter and I stay there for a hour and a half when I take my break.  When I come back from break(nap time), I find out I have been evicted from Jewelry and cast out on to the Floor because I’m the only person, not already at a register, who can run a register so I am needed to help out with long lines.  Before being set loose on the floor I have to cover four breaks at the Front Register, the Fitting Room, Jewelry, and the Back Register.

Halfway through Fitting Room’s break I start to feel an ache across my forehead centering mostly over my left eye.  It gets worse fairly rapidly to the point that I closed my eyes and had to be “woken up” by a customer.  I have generic Excedrin in my locker because I get headaches/migraines somewhat regularly.  The pain lessens but never really goes away for the rest of the day.  I make it through the rest of the breaks, take my lunch, and return to the Floor still the only person who can help out at the registers.  I end up spending a lot of time at the registers because it is a busy day, too busy to only have one person that can help at the registers.

All in all it was a pretty tiring day but like I said at the beginning there was a silver lining.  One of the worst things about working in retail is people who do not respect the workers.  I could write a whole post on just that; in fact I probably will.  Right now I want to bask in the golden moment I witnessed and was a part of.

A woman and her child, age 5-8, came through the line to m register.  She placed her items on the counter but pulled a Batman mug to one side and said, “We’re going to be paying for this separately.  He has his own money and is going to pay for it.”  I went through her transaction quickly and easily.  Then I began the child’s.

The woman carefully coached the child through the transaction.  She handed him his money and told him to wait until I had said the amount.  She had him unfold the bill before handing it to me.  When customers hand me cash, I always say the amount the customer has given me out loud for two reasons.  One, it gives people a chance to stop me if they have change to dig out and, two, it helps me when I go to type the amount into the register.  I don’t usually expect a response but I was happy to hear the woman instruct her child to say “Yes.” in response.  I handed him the change, thanked them and wished them a nice day.  The woman thanked me as well and prompted her child to do the same.  Throughout the transaction she made sure he was paying attention to me.

So often, I have had wadded up bills dropped on the counter for me to pick up and straighten out.  So often, I have repeated myself because they aren’t paying attention.  So often, I have felt like I am acting opposite an empty chair.  I felt none of these things in that transaction and felt like the woman was making sure her child would not make a future cashier feel them either.

In all, I interacted with them for only a few minutes but seeing a child taught how to be polite to retail workers was the high point of my day.


Brief Review of Timeless

So, do you remember the Quantum Leap episode where Sam encounters an evil leaper and has to set right what they put wrong?  Well, Timeless is basically that episode as a series but better.

Timeless is a new series on NBC about a team of three, a historian, a soldier, and the time machine’s pilot, who go back in time to prevent an anit-American terrorist from changing America’s history in a stolen time machine.  Don’t worry there’s no Islamophobia in this show.  The terrorist leader, Garcia Flynn, has his own as yet unknown reasons for wanting to change the past but they seem to be tied to the historian of the good guys and main character, Lucy Preston.  Flynn has a notebook that has Lucy’s handwriting in it, which he claims she hasn’t written yet but will one day.

The other members of the are Wyatt Logan, a soldier chosen by Homeland Security, and Rufus Carlin, the time machine’s pilot and the black man of the team.  Wyatt has a dead wife in his backstory which he wants to save now that he has a chance but he is also a dedicated soldier.  Rufus is an employee of the company that built both the stolen time machine and the prototype they use to try to stop Flynn.  He was actually very reluctant to be the pilot not only because of the danger of time travel but also because he is black.  He says one of the best lines to his boss, “Also, I don’t know how it works across the pond, but I am black. There is literally no place in American history that would be awesome for me.”  There’s something shadowy going on with his boss but it’s not clear how much Flynn knows.

This show has a nuanced take on time travel or rather the results of time travel.  In many shows it’s common for history to be almost immutable, resisting changes with almost comical deus ex machinas.  Or history is a delicate jenga tower, pull the wrong block out and it all comes crashing down(until you put it back exactly like it was before).  In Timeless the characters act like history is the jenga tower but if they keep things mostly in place history goes on like nothing has happened.  Well, almost like nothing happened.  The main characters involvement, if significant, do become a part of history and can have effects that are unpredictable, like having a school named after your alias or changing someone’s family tree.

At this point I’ve only seen the first three episodes.  The first two were really good with trips to the Hindenburg crash and Abraham Lincoln’s assassination.  The third one didn’t have a specific event tied to it but was still a good episode.  Overall I’d say give the first episode a watch.  I know there are like two other time travel shows starting soon but this one feels like a home run.